About the book

During his lifetime, Bill Parkinson has started or acquired many businesses, some of which succeeded, and some of which did not. A self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur, this autobiography chronicles his life, career, successes and failures. He also dishes the dirt on how banking giant Royal Bank of Scotland systematically squeezed every last drop of blood from their customers in the years just before the 2008 banking collapse.

The story of his phenomenal success is fascinating and heart-warming and is sure to be motivational to would-be entrepreneurs the world over. Many autobiographies have been written by successful businessmen like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson to name a few. Their stories, whilst interesting and very readable, are far removed from the everyday experiences of most businessmen and women and hardly provide role models which we can aspire to emulate. Bill hopes that this autobiography will be seen  as a little more down to earth and will give a realistic picture of how a large fortune can be created from a niche business.

Not only will this book make a fascinating read of how an individual with seemingly little prospects can go on to achieve phenomenal success but it will be of interest to young entrepreneurs  who can gain valuable insight into the making of a successful career in business.

The autobiography of an entrepreneur