Book cover

At present my book is going through the process of editing and proof-reading which is a critical and important part of the task of producing a professionally presented book. Also, I haven’t yet decided  on the design of the all-important  front cover.  I now have to choose between two alternative book covers, designed by print graphic artist, Tom Crowe, stationed at our Chicago office. The following prints are what he has produced and both have previously been used as cover designs for our sales catalogue.  What are your thoughts about the cover, and which, if any, of the two covers should I choose?

Lifting the World-HookLifting the World-Earth

6 thoughts on “Book cover”

  1. Hi Bill,
    My wife Kath ( your podiatrists) showed me your web site relating to your book.

    After reading the sections on the book I personally prefer the cover showing the worker and the lifting gear.To me, it shows a more earthy picture, rather than the earth picture.( no pun intended)

    Also I would like to read your biography when it’s available.



  2. My preference to your front cover is No 2. Title of the book is more relevant to the picture.
    Look forward to reading your book.

  3. Nice chat with you last night. In my opinion I don’t think the lettering/font looks right in yellow. White would be better. The lifting gear photo is best. But as you say a more up to date photo is required using modern lighting and photography techniques. Can’t wait to read it!

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